Tar Heel Teachers at Home is a weekly videocast focused on engaging North Carolinians in conversations about education. Each week, a panel of educators interview a guest(s).
In this videocast, the Tar Heel Teachers chat with Keith Sutton about his 2020 campaign for NC State Superintendent. He shares how his decade-long tenure on the Wake County Public Schools Board of Education has prepared him for the role. He also shares his thoughts about how the state can recruit and retain a diverse teaching force, virtual pre-K, universal pre-K, and more.
This week’s panel:
- Moderator: Marlow M. Artis, Upward Bound Director with Sampson County Schools. Twitter: @TarHeelTeachers
- Elementary School Panelist: Lisa Godwin, Kindergarten Teacher with Onslow County Schools. Twitter: @tarhokie
- Middle School Panelist: Cassandra Parsons, Special Education Teacher with Cumberland County Schools Twitter: @Cassand3cparson
- High School Panelist: Mika Twietmeyer, Biology Teacher with Durham Public Schools. Twitter: @MikaJHunter
- Support Personnel Panelist: Aritia Smalls, AIG Program Specialist with Cumberland County Schools. Twitter: @SmallsAritia
- Guest(s): Keith Sutton, 2020 Candidate for NC State Superintendent. Twitter: @votekeithsutton