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It’s Statistics in Schools Week. Teachers: Here’s how to engage with the Census in your classroom.

March 2-6 is Statistics In Schools Week, a program from the United States Census Bureau that “offers free materials for teachers, created by teachers, to educate students from pre-K through 12th grade about the value and everyday uses of census data.”

In addition to classroom experiences for every day this week, on Friday, teachers are being asked to distribute the SIS take-home flyer (available in 12 additional languages) that has the goal of “explaining the importance of the 2020 Census and how to count every child in their home.”

Here are the daily themes and classroom materials from

Monday: What Is the 2020 Census?

  • Introduce the 2020 Census to each grade level by using our featured activity.

Tuesday: Apportionment

  • Use SIS materials to teach students about congressional apportionment and its connection to the decennial census. Students in grades K-2 can create and conduct a survey.

Wednesday: Diversity Collage

  • Show how census questions highlight the country’s diversity by assembling and sharing a collage that highlights diversity in your classroom.

Thursday: Virtual Field Trip to the U.S. Census Bureau

  • Take students on a virtual field trip to the U.S. Census Bureau to learn more about how census data is collected and used.

Friday: Shape My Community’s Future

  • Ask students to reflect on what they want to see in their future. On this day, send the SIS take-home flyer home with all your students.
Mary Willson

Mary Willson is the director of engagement at EducationNC.