How well informed do you feel about the six state constitutional amendments that will be on the ballot in November?
Will a bipartisan board of Ethics and Elections put independent candidates and third parties at further disadvantage?
-Marc from Charlotte, NC
I’m very politically involved and I feel that I still don’t know what amendments are on the ballot.
-Cathie from Raleigh, NC
On average, how long does it take for you to get from where you live to where you most commonly shop for food?
The Hidden Health Dangers of Flavored Yogurt | Quartz 7/23/18
“Major health organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics have issued warnings for parents to avoid falling into the trap of marketing campaigns that push flavored yogurts as healthy alternatives.”
Hot Dog! 13-Year-Old Keeps His Stand Open with the Help of the Minneapolis Health Department | NPR 7/24/18
“Jaequan Faulkner’s fledgling hot dog stand in Minneapolis was almost shut down when someone called the city’s health department. But, instead, the health department worked to get his stand up to code, and now he’s back in business.”
Despite an economy that’s rooted in agriculture, North Carolina is one of the hungriest states in the country. In 2016, there were over 1.5 million food insecure peoplein North Carolina. Across the state, grocery stores are closing and SNAP benefits could become harder to use at farmers markets. In both rural and urban communities, food deserts – or places that are far from supermarkets – limit access to fresh, affordable groceries.
Last year, a study from NC State University and Campbell University found that residents in a Raleigh food desert often traveled far outside of their neighborhood to access more affordable groceries at supermarkets. For those without cars, this means increased shopping time and expenses, as some reported taking a bus to the store and purchasing a cab to get home.
This has us wondering – on average, how long does it take you to get to the place where you normally purchase food? Do you have any other thoughts or questions about food access in your community? Weigh in on our question of the week or send an email to We are eager to hear from you.
We want to hear from you.
Got a question? Have feedback for us? Want us to explore an issue in your community? Email and tell us about it.