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Presidents’ Academy Statewide Leadership Conference: Pre-Questionnaire

Thank you for registering for the upcoming Statewide Conference on North Carolina’s Economic Competitiveness and Economic Mobility to be held on Thursday, May 23, 2019. The Belk Center for Community College Leadership & Research looks forward to welcoming you to Guilford Technical Community College’s Conference Center in Colfax, NC.

In preparation for this conference, we would like to invite you to provide us with some initial thoughts and expectations you have for the upcoming conference through the following pre-questionnaire. Your participation in essential to holding us accountable for providing an engaged and meaningful opportunity through our President’s Academy program. At the conclusion of the program, we will send out a similar questionnaire inviting you to share your thoughts after your participation in the conference. We look forward to hearing from you. We expect the survey to take between 8-10 minutes to complete.  

Reach NC Voices Team

The Reach NC Voices team includes Nation Hahn, director of growth for EdNC; Molly Osborne, director of policy; Analisa Sorrells, chief of staff and associate director of policy; and Alli Lindenberg, engagement specialist.