Tar Heel Teachers at Home is a weekly videocast focused on engaging North Carolinians in conversations about education. Each week, a panel of educators interview a guest(s).
In this episode of Tar Heel Teachers at Home, we discuss the educational experiences of Black males in North Carolina. The conversation is divided into seven segments featuring policymakers, academics, superintendents, equity officers, principals, teachers, and students. Systemic racism in our schools is a microcosm of the injustice that Black males face in society at large. Truly transforming our schools can lead to better outcomes for Black males in all sectors of our society.
This week’s panel:
- Moderator: Marlow M. Artis, Creator, Chief Content Purveyor, & Executive Producer of Tar Heel Teachers. Twitter: @TarHeelTeachers
- Elementary School Panelist: Amy Tart, 5th Grade Math/Science Teacher in Clay County Schools. Twitter: @Cards4Scholars
- Middle School Panelist: Cassandra Parsons, Special Education Teacher at Spring Lake Middle in Cumberland County Schools. Twitter: @cparsonec
- High School Panelist: Mika Twietmeyer, Biology Teacher at Riverside High in Durham Public Schools. Twitter: @MikaJHunter
- Support Personnel Panelist: Lawrence Smalls, Assistant Principal/Athletic Director at EE Smith High in Cumberland County Schools. Twitter: @LawrenceLSmalls
- Guest(s):
- Policymakers: Representative: James Gaillard (NC House District 25)/Twitter: @jdgailliard, Representative: Zach Hawkins (NC House District 31)/Twitter: @zackhawkinsnc, and Mr. Keith Sutton (Chair of the Wake County Public Schools System Board of Education)/Twitter: @votekeithsutton
- Academics: Dr. Anthony Graham (Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at Winston-Salem State University)/Twitter: @DrAntGraham and Dr. Darius Stanley (Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership at Western Carolina University)
- Superintendents: Mr. Oliver Holley (Tyrrell County Schools)/Twitter: @OAHolleyEDU and Dr. Jerry Oates (Brunswick County Schools)/Twitter: @DrJLOates
- Equity Officers: Dr. Daniel Kelvin Bullock (Executive Director of Equity Affairs, Durham Public Schools)/Twitter: @DKelvinB and Dr. Rodney Trice (Assistant Superintendent of Equity Affairs, Wake County Public Schools System)/Twitter: @Rodney_Trice
- Principals: Mr. Samuel Highsmith (Principal of Castle Hayne Elementary)/Twitter: @sjhighsmith and Mr. Tabari Wallace (2018 NC Principal of the Year/Lead Learner at West Craven High)/Twitter: @TabariWallace
- Teachers: Mr. Daniel Scott (2020 Southeast Regional Teacher of the Year/Band Director at Swansboro High) and Mr. Jason Terrell (Executive Director of Profound Gentlemen)/Twitter: @PGeducator
- Students: Mr. Justin Bell (Rising Senior at Clayton High School)/Twitter: @Justindotbell and Gene Ogelsby (Rising 9th Grader at Cross Creek Early College)