Article IX of the N.C. Constitution on Education
Section 9. Benefits of public institutions of higher education. The General Assembly shall provide that the benefits of The University of North Carolina and other public institutions of higher education, as far as practicable, be extended to the people of the State free of expense.
The Leader
The Issue: The interaction and collaboration between public universities and community colleges
“I’ve been around the country a fair amount…and I’ve yet to hear of anybody who thinks that there is a better relationship between the universities and the community colleges than we have in North Carolina. We’re really blessed.” – Tom Ross
Monday: The leader is Tom Ross and the issue is collaboration
Tuesday: The leader is Scott Ralls and the issue is cost
Wednesday: The leader is Josh Stein and the issue is competency-based education
Thursday: The leader is Jeff Tarte and the issue is jobs
Friday: Ross and Ralls discuss the issue of success