President Tom Ross and President Scott Ralls are not the only leadership transitions that should be on our minds.
By our count, eight leadership transitions are underway at colleges of education in the UNC System.
Robin Groce is serving as the interim dean of the College of Education at Appalachian State University.
Grant Hayes has been named the dean of the College of Education at East Carolina University beginning July 30, 2015.
Paula Viltz is serving as the interim dean of the School of Education at Elizabeth City State University.
[UPDATE: John Dixon is the interim department chair of the School of Education at Elizabeth City State University. Leontye Lewis is the dean of the School of Education of Fayetteville State University and is stepping down at the end of July to move out of state.]
The position for dean of the School of Education is posted for NC A & T University.
Jayne Fleener is stepping down as dean of the College of Education at NC State University.
Karen Wixson is stepping down as dean of the School of Education at UNC-Greensboro.
Karen Stanley is serving as the interim dean of the School of Education at UNC-Pembroke.
The position for dean of the College of Education is posted for UNC-Wilmington.

Just a few months ago, on January 26, 2015, leaders gathered to talk about the growing shortage of teachers in North Carolina. Recommendations from the UNC Board of Governors Subcommittee on Teacher and School Leader Quality were released.

“Strengthening the 15 schools of public education is the most important lever the University has in affecting positive change in public education,” said Board of Governors member and member of the subcommittee Hannah Gage at the summit. “It’s fundamental to the prosperity and well-being of North Carolina.”