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NELA: Teachers leading change

NELA is North Carolina State University's Northeast Leadership Academy. The director is Dr. Bonnie Fusarelli. The goal of the NELA is to increase student achievement by preparing and retaining principals and assistant principals to serve as instructional leaders in rural high-poverty, hard-to-staff, historically low-performing schools. In May, NELA held an event bringing together educators, legislators, and policy experts to think about how to empower teachers and maximize teacher leadership. Part of our goal at EdNC is to bring great events like this one to a larger audience.

Supporting teacher leaders at the school and district level

Imagining possibilities and breaking down barriers

“It’s a great day to be an educator.” – Eddie Price, Principal, South Johnston High School

“There is no magic…. It honestly is literally rolling up your sleeves and doing the work.” – Larry Hodgkins, Assistant Principal, South Creek Middle School

“Sometimes administrators are the barriers.” – Erin Swanson, Principal, Martin Millennium Academy

“None of us is as smart as all of us.” – James Ford, Teacher of the Year

“Yes, this is a viable profession.” – Jusmar Maness, Principal, Balfour Elementary School

“It’s all about relationships, relationships, relationships.” – Elizabeth Cole, Principal, Elizabethtown Middle School


Tuesday: Teachers leading change

Wednesday: Rick Hess, Cage Busting Teachers

Thursday: Bryan Hassel, Opportunity Culture


Alex Granados

Alex Granados was the senior reporter for EducationNC from December 2014-March 2023.