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First Vote NC: Helping teach civic engagement in the classroom

On June 3, 2020, First Vote NC hosted a webinar to provide information about the program and election simulation platform. First Vote NC is an initiative of EducationNC and aims to improve youth voter turnout by demystifying the voting process and making voting a habit before students graduate from high school.

Below is a video of the webinar along with links to resources mentioned in the recording.


While the platform is designed with the educator in mind, our ultimate audience is high school students — North Carolina’s future voters. Our multi-layered approach includes an authentic simulation election, issue-based questions, demographic data collection for post-election analysis, and a lesson portfolio. With the 2020 election less than five months away, we want to provide educators with this free election simulation package.

Click below to let us know you are interested in participating


We will send you a link in August to officially sign up for the election simulation platform.

Lesson Plans

Designing a School-wide Election

How to Vote and Why it Matters 

National, State and Local Elections: What’s the Difference? 

Local Elections

Political Parties and Ideologies 

Role of Media in Elections

The Role of Money in Elections 

The Results Are In! 

2020 Census

Intro Video


Caroline Parker at

Nancy Rose at

Caroline Parker

Caroline Parker is the director of rural storytelling and strategy for EducationNC. She covers the stories of rural North Carolina, the arts, STEM education and nutrition.

Nancy Rose

Nancy Rose was the chief operating officer and director of First Vote at EducationNC and the N.C. Center for Public Policy Research.