Earlier this year, the Department of Public Instruction launched a promising practices initiative, including an online dashboard spotlighting schools and districts across North Carolina. Educators can use this resource to identify and replicate promising practices, nominate a practice for inclusion, and build virtual professional learning networks.
Step one of the initiative was identifying the promising practices, which include for this year work-based learning, teacher housing, grow your own educator pipelines, authentic learning opportunities, principal leadership, literacy, summer programming, personalized learning, mental health, English Language Learners, and private-public partnerships for workforce development.
For each of the promising practices, EdNC is identifying one of the schools or districts to visit and learn more about as a way to lift up the people innovating in our classrooms and schools across the state.
Take a look at the dashboard
Here is a link to the dashboard. Click on it and take a look please.
The first thing you will notice is that each of the promising practices falls into one of six “strands.” The strands align with Operation Polaris, which is state Superintendent Catherine Truitt’s strategic plan. You’ll find the work-based learning promising practices under learning recovery, for example.

Go ahead and click on learning recovery, and you will see Halifax County Schools highlighted in purple on the map. Hover on the district and the promising practice will be identified in a pop up. Click on the district and this notecard below the map will give you more information.

Click on the infographic icon — that’s the “i” in the circle — and in-depth information about the promising practice will open in a new tab in your browser.
For example, here is the infographic on the IT Helpdesk internships and solar apprenticeships in the Halifax County Schools:
There is also a link to this video produced by NC Business Committee for Education.
And there is a link to this EdNC article.
Stay tuned for more information about teacher housing, the next promising practice to be highlighted.