How to become a STEM school of distinction
The Department of Public Instruction and State Board of Education each year recognize schools around North Carolina who incorporate STEM instruction into the standards and daily lives of their students.…

After two years, free school meals for all is over. What does that mean for students and their families?
For more than two years, all public school students across the nation have been able to access healthy school meals at no cost to them, ensuring every child has the opportunity to engage in learning without the distraction of hunger.…

N.C. Community College System nears finalized strategic plan amid search for a new president
Contents Year-one action plan Presidential search and personnel updates Governance updates System program updates Wolfspeed partnership and workforce updates Updated Sept.…

Perspective | Five actions we can take now for our kids, our teachers, and our schools
If you talked to a parent or educator in the past month, along with the enthusiasm for back to school, you probably heard about the shortages of teachers and staff our schools are facing.…
Schools interested in applying for the STEM school of distinction designation should complete their intent to apply no later than Oct. 7 to receive information about the application, timeline, and assistance during the process. The application is due Feb. 3, 2023.
Gov. Cooper delivered school supplies to Martin Millennium Academy in Tarboro yesterday and highlighted the Scholar Teachers program. Check out our feature of the grow-your-own teacher program here.
Our team is at Southeastern, Montgomery, Brunswick, and Roanoke Chowan community colleges today and tomorrow. Follow along on Twitter at #Impact58.
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Results From Long-Running Study Bolster Case for Universal Pre-K
New research from Georgetown University shows young adults who attended a universal pre-K program in Tulsa, Oklahoma, as 4-year-olds were more likely to graduate from high school on time and enroll in college than peers.... Read the rest
While delivering school supplies to Edgecombe County, Gov. Cooper calls for more aid to districts in need
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