PEPSC (Professional Educator Preparation and Standards Commission) is meeting today, Wednesday, Aug. 10, at 2:30 p.m. and Thursday, Aug. 11, at 9 a.m. A joint co-chairs meeting will be held virtually today, Wednesday, Aug. 10, at 2:30 p.m. The commission will hold a virtual monthly meeting on Thursday, August 11 at 9 a.m. The agendas are available online. The meetings will be livestreamed for those who are interested in listening.
For those of you who know and love Marlow Artis, he is now serving as principal of the Craven Early College High School.
Here is the link to register for Profound Ladies “Back To School Jam” on September 17. I hear EdNC’s Derick Lee will be the keynote speaker!
Featured Read
July/August 2022 Draft Model Feedback
21 pages of feedback from teachers submitted to PEPSC about licensure and compensation reform.... Read the rest
North Carolina educators say they doubt the new teacher pay proposal will fix vacancies
NC teachers group critical of proposed license, pay overhaul
Period equity is expanding in Texas. Austin schools are the latest to provide free pads and tampons.
The Monkeypox Outbreak: What School Leaders Need to Know
Reducing Stigma in Monkeypox Communication and Community Engagement
'A new way of life': Program helps Pitt County students make transition to middle and high schools