Video | Peter Hans on the future of higher education, COVID-19, and attainment as he leaves the community colleges to lead the UNC system
Peter Hans is approaching his final days as president of the North Carolina Community College System while also serving as president-elect of the UNC system.…

Initiative aims to put children at center of workplace policies as businesses reopen
Working parents’ unmet needs have become ever more apparent as the coronavirus pandemic has halted child care, forced many parents to work remotely, and presented health risks to others who work in environments with other people.…

Beyond conversations: 6 areas of focus in creating inclusive schools
What is the value of a dollar? Jermaine Porter, equity leader in the Durham Public Schools, uses that question as an exercise.…

Perspective | myFutureNC blog series: Innovative models for increasing college enrollment and completion: McNair Mentors program
Rutherford County is a rural county located in the foothills of North Carolina. Ranked as a Tier 1 county by the North Carolina Department of Commerce, it is one of the most economically distressed counties in the state.…
Featured Read
The Importance of Reopening America’s Schools this Fall
"[I]n-person schooling is in the best interest of students, particularly in the context of appropriate mitigation measures similar to those implemented at essential workplaces."... Read the rest
Duke study of virus in students to help guide schools' decisions on returning to classrooms
COVID-19 should spell the end of a controversial teacher licensure requirement in NC
The Rise of AltSchool and Other Micro-schools