Budget moving forward after leadership compromise
There may be a budget after all. Republican leaders in the House and Senate have come to a spending agreement for the two-year budget.…

‘RUBY’ honors the past, creates art for the present
Ruby Bridges was the first Black child to attend an all-white school in the South. In 1963, painter Norman Rockwell depicted 6-year-old Bridges walking into William Frantz Elementary School in New Orleans with an escort of U.S.…

Perspective | Support programs providing North Carolina’s children with summer books
There is a special connection between summer and children’s literature. I am keenly aware of that, as an English professor with an expertise in children’s literature.…
Featured Read
THIS MORNING | US Department of Education Announces Actions to Advance Equity in Education
Including a report highlighting the disparate impacts of COVID-19, guidance ensuring school districts with the highest poverty do not receive any per-pupil decrease in state funding, and launching an Equity Summit Series.... Read the rest
THE REPORT | Education in a Pandemic: The Disparate Impacts of COVID-19 on America’s Students
THE GUIDANCE | FAQ ARP ESSER Maintenance of Equity (MOEquity) Requirements
One Fate, Two Fates. Red States, Blue States: New Data Reveal a 432-Hour In-Person Learning Gap Produced by the Politics of Pandemic Schooling
Why some parents are sticking with remote learning—even as schools reopen
America’s Lingering Problem With School Segregation
NC social studies glossary gets rewrite after concerns and a misspelled president’s name
A Presentation on TeachNC
Want to teach in a high school? NC may only require 1 semester of teacher prep classes.
State Governance Models for Educating Youth in Juvenile Detention Facilities