Perspective | Tar Heel Teachers at Home: The educational experiences of Black males
Tar Heel Teachers at Home is a weekly videocast focused on engaging North Carolinians in conversations about education. Each week, a panel of educators interview a guest(s).…
In case you don’t know him, meet Marlow Artis. Marlow is chief content purveyor and executive producer of Tar Heel Teachers. Each week, he produces Tar Heel Teachers at Home, a videocast focused on engaging North Carolinians in conversations around education. The show premiered in February 2019. Marlow previously served for five years as a sixth grade English/Language Arts teacher.
We’ve been cross-publishing these episodes on EdNC for a while. Be sure to take a look at today’s episode, which features the educational experiences of 15 Black men in North Carolina — from policymakers to researchers to equity officers, from superintendents to principals to teachers to students. Artis says, “racism is embedded in every system in our society, including our schools.”
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