State Board roundup | What’s going on with student testing this year?
The State Board of Education met for their regular April meeting and covered a variety of topics, but for many students and families, perhaps no topic is as important as standardized testing.…

Carteret home therapy program is helping with rural parents’ layers of stress
Jessica Phillips, a mom of three in Carteret County, found out her youngest child has autism in October 2019. “I didn’t want to get out of bed after his diagnosis — it was just so hard — and then you throw the pandemic on top of that, and I’ve got three kids at home,” Phillips said.…

Perspective | Looking back to stimulate a look ahead
My recent retirement from the UNC-Chapel Hill faculty and two shots of vaccine have launched the chores of sorting the contents of bookshelves and file drawers for what to save and what to toss.…
Here is the link to the playlist created for #nced by Superintendent Jeff McDaris. “Breathe. Reflect. Dedicate,” as he says.
Featured Read
Parental Pressure Mounts for More Phonics, Less Guessing in Teaching Reading: Lucy Calkins concedes instructional materials need an update
In the end, parental demand for effective reading instruction may be the most potent long-term lever for change.... Read the rest
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For Higher Ed, Stimulus Relief Offers Flexible Spending
The Difference Debt Makes: College Students and Grads on How Student Debt Affects Their Life Choices – And What They Would Do Differently If It Were Forgiven
ANN DOSS HELMS REPORTS | When Teens Need Jobs To Graduate, Pandemic Forces Creativity
WEEKEND READ | Making well-being a policy priority: Lessons from the 2021 World Happiness Report