Good morning! This morning, Nation takes a look at SB 692, titled “Community College Governance.” We are also publishing research conducted by John Quinterno: Part I looks at the purpose of governance and the history of our governance structure, and Part II looks at the governance structure in other states. In Awake58, our postsecondary newsletter, you can find a link to sign up for a texting group if you want updates on this bill and this issue in real time. Coming later this week and next, a look at enrollment, which drives funding, and a look at governance and whether and how it should be different as the system shifts from a goal of access to a goal of access + success.
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Rural Republicans Revolt Against School-Voucher Plans
"There’s something in public schools that the public values enough to preserve."... Read the rest
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NC Democrats exaggerate education funding ranking
NC schools will soon be tested to remove dangerous levels of lead and asbestos
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