NC Pre-K funding model must change, says Leandro plan, local providers, business leaders
A remedial plan filed this week by parties in a long-running education lawsuit called Leandro recommends that North Carolina take several actions to strengthen early learning opportunities for young children, including fully funding its NC Pre-K program.…

Perspective | North Carolina schools in the federal rescue plan — and beyond
The newly enacted $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan will soon send serious money into North Carolina schools — serious in amount, serious in purpose.…
Here is a link to a playlist curated each week by Superintendent Jeff McDaris. As he says, “Infer as you desire. Breathe. Reflect. Dedicate.”
Tonight at 8:30 on PBS Charlotte, Thomas Stith will be on Carolina Business Review.
Here are your podcasts for the weekend:
Podcast PD – When Music and UDL Harmonize
Kevin Endres is a music teacher at Terrell Lane Middle School in Franklin County North Carolina who brings his eclectic background and love of music to his classroom. Listen to this episode to learn how he strives to make content relevant to adolescent learners and relies on the foundational principles of the Universal Design for Learning to reach each and every child in his classrooms.
In this special episode, Katie & Chris bring the most frequently asked questions from teachers about digital learning to a panel of Digital Learning Coordinators. The DLCs share their ideas and strategies for streamlining and improving online learning.
Apply now to be part of a national learning collaborative on safe supportive schools. The National Center for Safe Supportive Schools invites school districts to apply to participate in a 2-year national learning collaborative that accelerates and spreads innovation and improvement in the advancement of culturally responsive, trauma-informed, school mental health systems.
And this weekend, consider applying to be part of this collaborative:
The SAFE SUPPORTIVE SCHOOLS LEARNING COLLABORATIVE is a national community of school districts and schools committed to assessing and improving the quality of their comprehensive school mental health systems, including the extent to which they incorporate policies and practices that are trauma-informed and culturally-responsive.
15 school district teams will be selected for the collaborative and will invite two schools from the district to participate with the team. Leaders from the respective local education and other child-serving agencies will work together with school leaders to accelerate innovation and best practices needed to promote safe and supportive schools for all students and staff. Participating districts and schools will receive two years of training, technical assistance, implementation support, and guidance from national experts in school mental health, cultural responsiveness and equity, and trauma-informed schools.
Teams will participate in monthly virtual learning sessions with instruction, shared learning, and strategic planning on best policies and practices to advance safe supportive schools. Participating schools will also engage in three asynchronous 2-hour training and facilitated reflection and discussion sessions per year.
Applications are due by Friday, April 30, 2021, by 11:59pm ET. For questions, please email [email protected].
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NC has a $5.6 billion, long-term plan to improve K-12 schools. But will it be funded?