Number of students in traditional public schools still trails pre-pandemic total
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic still lingers in the number of students at traditional public schools in North Carolina. While average daily membership (ADM) at traditional schools is up from last year, it is still below where it was before COVID-19.…

Perspective | The Pre-K Priority hosts Nov. 16 webinar to share work of Forsyth County Early Childhood Education Task Force
We invite early childhood education advocates to join us for a special one-hour webinar on Wednesday, Nov. 16 at 3 p.m.…
The House Select Committee on An Education System for North Carolina’s Future meets at 1 p.m.
From our colleagues at the Kenan Fellows Program:
Teachers who complete the program say they have the skills and confidence to build meaningful relationships with industry professionals that better prepare students for the future and inspire them to explore subjects beyond prescribed learning.
Who can apply?
- North Carolina K-12 public school and charter school educators from all disciplines
- Educators who seek to lead beyond their schools and districts
- Educators who are committed to completing the yearlong fellowship while remaining in their school or district roles
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Student Population Has Significantly Diversified, But Many Schools Remain Divided Along Racial, Ethnic, and Economic Lines
GAO was asked to examine the prevalence and growth of segregation in K-12 public schools. This report examined the extent of (1) racial, ethnic, and economic divisions in K-12 public schools, and (2) district secession.... Read the rest
U.S. Department of Education Launches New Initiative to Support Career-Connected Learning and Increase Job Pathways for Young Americans
The letter sent by the US Department of Ed on how federal funds can be used to develop and expand career pathway programs, including Registered Apprenticeships