Who is running in North Carolina’s 2024 primaries?
Contents Important dates Governor Lieutenant Governor State Superintendent Attorney General Treasurer It’s officially a presidential election year in North Carolina. The primary will be held on March 5, and offices that matter when it comes to education will be up for election.…

Perspective | Lessons from New Zealand for schools implementing restorative practice
In response to persisting disparities in student discipline, many of North Carolina’s public schools are beginning to experiment with restorative practice (RP), a model aimed at repairing harm done to interpersonal relationships, to reform disciplinary policy and reimagine school culture.…
Thank you for reaching out about the article yesterday, “Red state? Blue state? North Carolina’s choice in 2024.” I added quotes to the article from Mary Shuping and Kris Nordstrom. Take another look!
Featured Read
What to Know About the Science of Reading
An effort to overhaul how children learn to read, known as the science of reading movement, is sweeping the country. Here’s where it stands.... Read the rest
2024 is no normal presidential election year.
ANN DOSS HELMS REPORTS | Most CMS families aren't responding to 'parent rights' permission requests, what other districts should know
NC schools haven’t recovered yet from pandemic. But 3rd-grade reading is a bright spot.
NC schools lack enough counselors, nurses, social workers and psychologists, report says