Vision 2024 event highlights STEM and educators as keys for economic development
Over 300 people gathered on East Carolina University’s campus this month for the Vision 2024 conference to discuss workforce and economic development through STEM and education in eastern North Carolina.…

Q&A | A new report on racial land loss in the U.S. and how faith groups can help
Rural Advancement Foundation International (RAFI-USA) is a nonprofit in Pittsboro that “challenges the root causes of unjust food systems, supporting and advocating for economically, racially, and ecologically just farm communities.”…

Perspective | One question every school superintendent should be asking right now
As we crest the halfway mark of the 2023-24 academic year, evidence of the disruptions stemming from Covid continues to roll in.…
Here is our article on the new TWC survey. Here is where you can join the webinar from 4-5pm today. Your voice matters.
At the meeting of the N.C. House Ed Reform committee yesterday, one slide popped out. 89 of 115 school districts said they do not have funding to refresh devices beyond ESSER. Here are the slides.
Gov. Cooper to tour Millbrook Magnet High School and highlight how strong public schools build strong communities following his proclamation of 2024 as “The Year of Public Schools” at 9:30a.m.
Featured Read
Journalists are burned out. Some newsrooms are fighting back.
Lifting up EdNC's commitment to our team. Leadership doesn't happen without wellness first.... Read the rest
Teach For America’s CEO Is Stepping Down. What’s Next for the Organization?
The number of registered Democrats in NC is dropping. Is that a big deal?
Why Cumberland County Schools, state attorney general have an issue with social media