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Crossover chaos

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day

With two days to crossover, the General Assembly is a chaotic machine as committees rush to get bills to the floor for a vote. Today saw numerous education bills run through education committees in both chambers, and in other committees such as Rules and Judiciary. 

Some to note are HB 803, which would change the formula of school A-F grades from 80 percent academic achievement and 20 percent academic growth to 50-50. It passed with a favorable report from the House K-12 Education Committee. (Update: HB 803 passed the House yesterday)

Also, a controversial bill on school personnel political activity, SB 480 , passed Judiciary I this morning, albeit amended. (Update: SB 480 passed the Senate) The bill sponsor removed language some saw as too restrictive.

The language originally stated that employees of a local board of education could not: “Otherwise use the authority of the employee’s position, or utilize public funds, supplies, equipment, or vehicles, to secure support for or oppose any candidate, party, or issue in an election involving candidates for office or party nominations, or affect the results thereof.”

The amended language removed the phrase: “Otherwise use the authority of the employee’s position.” 

Here are all of the education bills that were scheduled to be heard in legislative committees today:


Republican Rep. Paul Stam talking during the House K-12 Education Committee

House K-12 Education:

Duty-Free Time/Lunch for Teachers. (H238) (Passed the House)

Home Schoolers Participate in School Sports. (H484)

Computer Coding Course Elective. (H581) (Passed the House)

School Flexibility Act. (H587) (Passed the House)

Modify Read to Achieve. (H673) (Passed the House)

Public Schools/Testing Schedule. (H687) (Passed the House)

School Performance Scores. (H803) (Passed the House)

Eliminate NC Final Exam. (H248) (Passed the House)

Kelly Gwaltney and colleagues were in Raleigh to advocate for HB 661 about teacher recruitment and scholarships
Kelly Gwaltney and colleagues were in Raleigh to advocate for HB 661 about teacher recruitment and scholarships


House Judiciary II:

School Boards Can’t Sue County. (This bill failed on the House floor)


House Rules, Calendar, and Operations

Teacher Recruitment and Scholarships. (H661) (Passed the House)

School Calendar Flexibility. (H164) (Passed the House)



Republican Sen. Jerry Tillman
Republican Sen. Jerry Tillman

Senate Education/Higher Education:

Performance-Based RIF/School Policy. (S95) (Passed Senate)

State Advisory Council on Indian Education. (S97) (Passed Senate)

Penalty for Late Payment of Monies/Charters. (S211) (Passed Senate)

Encourage Access to Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts. (S400) (Passed Senate)

Charter School Modifications. (S456) (Passed Senate)

Founding Principles/Graduation Requirement. (S524) (Passed Senate)

Remediation-Free HS Graduates. (S561) (Passed Senate)

Encourage Access to Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts. (S400) (Passed Senate)

Education Statutes Revision. (S597) (Passed Senate)


Senate Finance:

Change Orders on School Construction Projects. (S330) (Passed Senate)


Senate Judiciary II:

Student Assault on Teacher/Felony Offense. (S343) (Passed Senate)

Sex Offense With Student/Charter Schools. (S503) (Passed Senate)


Senate Judiciary I:

Uniform Political Activity/Employees. (S480) (Passed Senate)

Alex Granados

Alex Granados was the senior reporter for EducationNC from December 2014-March 2023.