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EdNC. Essential education news. Important stories. Your voice.

Your voice matters: EdNC’s top five perspectives of 2018

Real faces. Real places. Real problems. Real solutions. Real stories.

Since we launched, EducationNC has published 800 voices, all weighing in on the issue of education, the importance of our students, our state, and our future.

You are our architecture of participation.

Thank you.

Thank you for being one of our faces. Thank you for making it so much fun for us to visit all of your places. Thank you for helping us identify the problems and the solutions facing your classrooms and your communities. Thank you for sharing your stories.

Today, a high school student weighs in on the challenges and opportunities of first-generation students, explaining “I see myself as a bottle of potential with the cap super-glued shut.”

All week, we have been featuring the voices of our EdAmbassadors.

From the beginning, our most read articles have been your perspectives. You help everyone from parents to philanthropists to policymakers better understand how to connect classroom practice to policy.

EdNC’s Nation Hahn explains, “You are our dessert. Your perspectives bring people to EdNC. Once they are here, we offer them our carrots — the news, the research, the data they need to understand the issues you are raising, the issues you care most about.”

Of all of the organizations we work with to amplify their voices, you have loved most the articles by Disability Rights North Carolina. In 2019, we will launch a three-year partnership with Disability Rights, featuring a monthly column on these most important of ed issues.

I am thankful for all of you, but especially those of you who have taken time from your already too busy lives to shape me personally. Thank you, Stuart Egan, Andi Webb, and Allison Rae Redden.

When you invest in EdNC, you ensure more North Carolinians than ever before are engaged in our architecture of participation, and ultimately invested in the work of building a greater North Carolina.


Mebane Rash

Mebane Rash is the CEO and editor-in-chief of EducationNC.