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What is My Future NC?

My Future NC is a commission with cross-sector representation from business, education, government, nonprofits, and philanthropy, and it will assess the state’s economic and educational needs, and then plan ways to meet them. 

By the end of 2018, the commission will have released two reports — one establishing its goals and another making policy recommendations on how to attain them. UNC System President Margaret Spellings, who co-chairs the commission along with Bank of America Chief Administrative Officer Andrea Smith and Medical Mutual Holdings Chief Eexcutive Officer Dale Jenkins, has drawn attention to the state’s lack of a statewide educational attainment goal. This commission’s work, Spellings said, comes out of that concern. 

State Superintendent Mark Johnson talks to the P-12 committee of the commission about parent involvement, early literacy, and teaching in a digital age. Liz Bell/EducationNC

The commission’s charter is below.

Kristy Teskey is the executive director of My Future NC. The commission is broken into three committees, each with subject matter experts: P-12, postsecondary, and workforce. The members of those committees are listed in the document below.


Other frequently asked questions about the purpose of the commission and its timeline are answered below.

The P-12 committee discusses early childhood education and the successes and challenges of the state’s educational system. Liz Bell/EducationNC

The commission is holding meetings and listening sessions across North Carolina next year. The dates, locations, and topics are below. Its first meeting was Monday.

Follow the progress of the commission on Twitter at #MyFutureNC and check out the myFutureNC survey below.

Editor’s Note: EducationNC CEO Mebane Rash is serving as a subject matter expert to the P-12 committee of the commission. 
Liz Bell

Liz Bell is the early childhood reporter for EducationNC.