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WCPS applauds legislative efforts to leave Carver Heights Elementary under local control

The following is a press release from Wayne County Public Schools

On December 13, the North Carolina Senate and House approved a revised version of the Technical Corrections Act, Senate Bill 469 (S469), which includes provisions specific to Carver Heights Elementary School. Specifically, Section 27 of S469 allows the Wayne County Board of Education to apply to the State Board of Education to adopt a restart model for the operation of Carver Heights Elementary School and repeals the requirement that the State Board of Education select at least two schools to transfer to the Innovative School District (ISD) no later than the 2019-2020 school year.

“The positive support from State Board of Education members and State legislators about Wayne County Public Schools improvement efforts currently underway at Carver Heights Elementary has been absolutely tremendous,” states Dr. Michael Dunsmore, superintendent. “We are extremely pleased with this legislation that is now on its way to the Governor’s Office. Our school district is highly appreciative of our local legislative delegation and the bi-partisan support that led to the passing of this legislation in both the House and Senate. Their actions speak volumes, and further affirm our district’s ability to change the academic trajectory of this school.”

It is important to note that the Wayne County Board of Education already submitted a Restart Application for Carver Heights Elementary for the State Board of Education. The Carver Heights Restart Application appeared as a Discussion item on the December 5-6, 2018, State Board of Education meeting with a recommendation from staff to approve.

“As was expressed by a number of State Board of Education members at their December 5-6 meeting, our district has already implemented a solid plan for Carver Heights Elementary that would have been difficult for the ISD to replicate or match,” adds Dr. Dunsmore. “It is our sincerest hope that the Governor will support the technical corrections and, if signed into law, that the State Board of Education will approve our Restart application next month.”

In late October, the Wayne County Board of Education approved a number of immediate school turnaround recommendations for Carver Heights Elementary School meant to enhance ongoing improvement efforts at the school. The actions were taken at a Special Called Meeting and included: (a) approving a Restart application to be submitted immediately to the State Board of Education (SBE); (b) hiring two new administrators (school turnaround experts with proven track records in North Carolina) to lead the turnaround efforts at the school; and (c) adopting a resolution declaring its intent to oppose a takeover by the Innovative School District (ISD) by all legal means.

Since then, the new principal, Dr. Patrice Faison, has begun to implement a series of strategic, instructionally centered changes at Carver Heights Elementary, while engaging families and the community to support needed changes.

“This clear show of support from our legislature means a lot to our entire staff and community,” said Dr. Faison, “and their faith in us will be rewarded. We are going to make great progress at Carver Heights.”


Video “Carver Heights Elementary – A Blueprint for Success” (Released on December 4, 2018)


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