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Suspensions, Crime, and Dropout Rate Declining Statewide in North Carolina Public Schools

The following is a press release from North Carolina Public Schools

School crime rates, suspensions, and dropouts all went down last year, according to new data from school districts and charter schools.  An executive summary of the annual Consolidated Data Report was released today. The full report will be released next week, and includes reports of offenses on school campuses, dropout events and rates, suspensions and expulsions, reassignments for disciplinary purposes, uses of corporal punishment, and alternative learning program enrollments. This positive news follows a report earlier this month that the teacher turnover rate has also declined for the last two years. 

Statewide trends show the number and rate of crimes reported on North Carolina school campuses have steadily decreased.  In addition, long and short-term suspension rates have declined compared to last year, and the dropout rate in North Carolina public schools has decreased for the second consecutive year. 

“More teachers are remaining in the profession and more students are staying  in school.  We have taken steps to listen to and address the concerns of teachers, students, and parents. This information is another sign that our positive changes are helping,” said State Superintendent Mark Johnson.  “While we still have work to do to, we are on the right track.”  

State law requires the State Board of Education to present the report each year to the North Carolina General Assembly. 

Superintendent Johnson was especially pleased that the dropout rate has declined two years in a row. 

“We have been proactively teaching students that there are many different pathways to success. They can earn a credential in high school, join the armed forces, attend community college or, if they want, find success with a four-year degree. All of these paths are pathways to the American Dream, and students are more engaged when they know their own pathway to success,” said Johnson. 

This is the second encouraging report regarding North Carolina’s public schools this year.  Earlier this month it was reported that North Carolina’s teacher turnover rate fell to 7.5% last school year, down from 8.1% and 8.7% in previous years.  

“Both of these reports show we are making positive differences in North Carolina’s public schools when it comes to improving both the working and the learning environments,” said Superintendent Johnson. 


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