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Superintendents: What stands out about your market share data?

Voiced by Amazon Polly

As Forthright Advising notes, the pressure on traditional public school enrollment is coming from enrollment declines linked to the pandemic, our youngest learners delaying the start of schooling, and the collective pressure from charter schools, private schools, and home schools.

This data and analysis of market share by school type is intended to invite a more nuanced discussion of market share county by county. The data is not perfect, and in part, that is what makes it interesting.

Here is our data in a spreadsheet. Here is our methodology.

Note that you can see what may be errors in the data. Most noticeably in Camden County, there appear to be more students enrolled in public schools than we would expect given the 5-18 population estimates. We will be following up to learn more.

Please let us know in the survey below what trends you see in the data and the impact of market share pressure on your traditional public schools.


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