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Students build boats to build valuable skills in Carteret County

Carteret County’s long history of commercial and recreational boat fishing make it no surprise that the North Carolina Marine Training and Education Center (NC MARTEC) is located at Carteret Community College. NC MARTEC grew out of a local industry need for trained employees. 

Local companies collaborate with the program through an advisory board of industry professionals and business owners. Their input helps the college respond to industry needs and helps employers get the skilled employees they require. L. M. Barbour, Chair of Boat Manufacturing and Marine Technology, says the board contributes insight into the curriculum and program, and “how we can do what we do better.” Barbour says, “We kind of scratch their back they scratch ours, so it’s a real win-win.”

Students in the program can learn everything from the foundations of boat building to electrical wiring, engine maintenance, and working with fiberglass. This comprehensive training coupled with local industry need makes it easy for graduates to find employment, sometimes even before they graduate.

Student Joseph Justice has been offered several jobs during his time in the program and when reflecting on those opportunities he said, “I think the hardest part is not leaving here early to get a job.”

Michelle Lotker

Michelle Lotker is an award-winning documentary storyteller with a passion for listening to people’s stories, learning new things and discovering the unexpected. Her background combines a stint as an environmental scientist with a Master’s degree in journalism to make her uniquely qualified to tell complex stories in accessible, engaging ways. Lotker’s work has been screened at film festivals including the International Wildlife Film Festival. She’s worked with organizations ranging from UNC-TV to the Sierra Club to local community health centers and national architecture firms to tell stories through a variety of audio and visual formats.