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EdNC. Essential education news. Important stories. Your voice.

Reach Roundup: How are we doing?

Hi, there!

You are part of the Reach NC Voices community. If we’re being honest you may not remember joining us on our journey, but somewhere along the way you did. You may have taken a survey on WRAL on an issue that meant something to you. You may have found us on social media. Or you may be an educator who shared your thoughts on professional development last summer through our partnership with the Hope Street Group.

This spring, we launched this weekly newsletter, and you may have been reminded that you joined us as a result. This could have sparked confusion on your part, or perhaps excitement, or perhaps a mix of both. Maybe you rolled your eyes and pondered if you wanted to receive another newsletter. Either way, I hope that you have stuck with us.

We want to improve our efforts and better serve you so that we might better serve the state. Will you take 3 minutes and answer a few questions? We’ll send a few random respondents $25 Amazon gift cards — and we will send ALL of you our thanks and appreciation for helping to make this endeavor better. 

At this point, you may also be curious to know what Reach NC Voices is exactly. This effort is part of EducationNC, and our team powers daily education news, research, and analysis on — but Reach NC Voices is really about you. We have said from the beginning that we hope to put the public back into public policy, which means that we hope to connect you and your thoughts, hopes, dreams, and ideas to those in positions of power and, in turn, to connect them to you.

This newsletter is an outgrowth of that effort. We want it to be short, smart, concise, and fun. We hope to give you a chance to share your thoughts every week on an issue that matters — even if the issue is a fun one like asking you about your favorite kind of BBQ, because, hey, food matters too!

Thank you for joining us. We promise to keep listening.

All the best,
Nation Hahn & the entire team

PS — The survey will only take 3 minutes. Click here. Please? 

PPS — If you think you don’t have time for the survey, hit reply and email me directly! 


Reach NC Voices Team

The Reach NC Voices team includes Nation Hahn, director of growth for EdNC; Molly Osborne, director of policy; Analisa Sorrells, chief of staff and associate director of policy; and Alli Lindenberg, engagement specialist.