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Question of the Week – July 16

A bill that could have dramatically decreased the number of standardized tests North Carolina students take faltered in the Senate. Senate Bill 621 already made its way through the Senate once but was changed in the House and came back before the Senate to see if state Senators agreed with the changes. The Senate voted unanimously to reject the House changes to the bill.

While in the House, state representatives essentially changed the bill to merge testing reduction plans proposed by both the House — in a separate bill — and the Senate. 

Both the House and Senate bills originally eliminated the NC Final Exams in high school. This modified version of the bill would have also done that. The bill also adopted a House proposal to replace End-of-Grade (EOG) tests in grades K-8 with three shorter tests, dubbed “check-ins,” throughout the school year. Click here to read more on this.

Would you be in favor of replacing EOG tests in grades K-8 with three check-ins? Weigh in below.