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Reach NC Voices Playbook

Reach was built with people at the core. Powered by, the initiative includes tech tools to connect us to people and people to us. These tools allow us to discuss issues with people in real time so we can better understand communities across our state by listening deeply.

We use innovative methods, such as text and online surveys, to both survey individuals across the state and listen to their stories. These insights inform our work. We want you to be part of the project. Sign up below to be connected to our weekly email newsletter and SMS conversations.

Due to the generous support of Molly de Aguiar and the News Integrity Initiative, we spent the last year building technology that has put us on the path to be the best in the world at facilitating community conversations (and really listening!). Along the way, we promised to also build out a playbook for how we do what we do.

Our playbook for change is predicated on dialogue, active listening, building connections, and having real engagement with the communities we serve.

We would like for as many news organizations, startups, think tanks, nonprofits, and all others who are seeking to build a better world to adopt as many of our ideas (and our technology) as possible in the years ahead.

Below, you’ll find the first version of the Reach playbook, which we hope you will put to use in your own work:

Read more about our playbook in these publications:

Welcome to the Local Fix. Each week we look at key debates in journalism sustainability and community engagement through the lens of local news. But first, we always begin with one good idea…

One Good Idea: Engaging in NC
Earlier this year, EducationNC released the first version of its Reach playbook. The playbook is a step-by-step guide that walks users through engagement practices that connect community members with one another and informs them about public policy issues. The online manual is “predicated on dialogue, active listening, building connections, and having real engagement with the communities we serve” and includes highlights of successful engagement practices in North Carolina. Check out their manual for tips here.

  • From the Jan. 24 edition of the News Integrity Initiative newsletter by Molly de Aguiar:

“EducationNC published its ReachNC Voices Playbook for listening, connecting and engaging with audiences.”

  • From the Jan. 24 edition of the Need to Know newsletter by the American Press Institute:

“Try this at home

+ Last year EducationNC, a journalism nonprofit focusing on education policy, said it hoped to become the ‘best in the world at facilitating community conversations.’ This week, EdNC released a playbook showing exactly how it builds active listening, dialogue and engagement into its daily work. (EducationNC).”

Reach NC Voices Team

The Reach NC Voices team includes Nation Hahn, director of growth for EdNC; Molly Osborne, director of policy; Analisa Sorrells, chief of staff and associate director of policy; and Alli Lindenberg, engagement specialist.