The following is a press release from North Carolina Public Schools.
Educators, parents, students and other stakeholders of North Carolina’s public schools are invited to attend six public comment sessions scheduled for April and May across the state. Public input is being sought by the NC Department of Public Instruction staff to help guide development of the state’s plan for complying with the new federal education law, a re-authorization of the 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is the new federal education law approved in December 2015 to replace No Child Left Behind. States are required to develop their own ESSA plan to comply with the federal law. The state plan will address issues of school accountability, student assessments, support for struggling schools and other elements.
Comments are sought especially in response to the following questions:
• What are the public’s expectations from NC’s public schools?
• What school characteristics are the most important?
• How should school success be measured?
• How does North Carolina ensure that all schools are successful?
• How should North Carolina recognize and celebrate school success?
The new law continues to focus on accountability and student-level assessments for all students in reading and mathematics in grades 3-8, science assessments at least once in the elementary grades and at least once in the middle grades, college and career readiness in the high school grades and being accountable for all student subgroups.
The state’s accountability plan must include goals for academic indicators (improved academic achievement on the state assessments, a measure of student growth or other statewide academic indicator for elementary and middle schools, graduation rates for high schools, and progress in achieving proficiency for English Learners) and a measure of school quality and student success (examples include student and educator engagement, access and completion of advanced coursework, postsecondary readiness, school climate and safety). Participation rates on the assessments must also be included in the plan. More information on ESSA is available on NCDPI’s ESSA website.
Schedule of Public Input Sessions
Please note that each session will be held from 4-6 p.m. Anyone may attend a session in any region. Audience members who want to speak (up to 3 minutes) should sign in by 4:15 p.m. at each session and are invited (but not required) to bring a copy of their remarks to submit into the record of the event. A recording and notes from each session also will be taken.
Wednesday, April 13 – Ashley High School, Wilmington
Thursday, April 21 – Green Hope High School, Cary
Tuesday, April 26 – Mallard Creed High School, Charlotte
Wednesday, April 27 – North Pitt High School, Bethel
Tuesday, May 17 – East Forsyth High School, Kernersville
Wednesday, May 18 – Charles D. Owen High School, Black Mountain
In addition, the public is invited to submit comments to the Department of Public Instruction through Let’s Talk by selecting the ESSA dialog topic. Simply click on the Let’s Talk link on the NCDPI website by selecting the ESSA dialog topic.
Questions regarding the sessions may be directed to NCDPI Communications at 919.807.3450.