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EdNC. Essential education news. Important stories. Your voice.

What are you learning from reopening?

In this update, Jenny and Donnell share what they are learning from the reopening process at their schools. They share lessons ranging from taking work one day at a time to the collective power of leaning on the geniuses around you. You’ll also hear the plan for the rest of the podcast season. We want to know what you’re learning from reopening! Will you share your lessons with us? You can do so by filling out this short survey. We’ll share the answers in our next episode. Thank you for listening and engaging with us!

Behind the Story

The Hummingbird Stories is produced by Alli Lindenberg, Donnell Cannon and Jenny O’Meara. The music used in this series is courtesy of 8th grade student DX4L. The hummingbird artwork on the cover is by 8th grade student Joselyn Hernandez.

The Hummingbird Stories

In The Hummingbird Stories, passionate educators Donnell Cannon and Jenny O’Meara host conversations with the most innovative, equity-minded leaders in education from all across the country.

These “Hummingbirds” are no longer waiting for change in a system on fire, but rather choosing to do something. We hope they’ll inspire you to take real action, no matter how small, toward redesigning schools.

An extraordinary education for all young people is possible. But it’s going to take all of us to make it happen.