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Perspective | Public School Forum budget analysis 2021-23, part 1

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The ongoing state budget process has many steps and will continue to evolve over the summer. Following the Governor’s Recommended Budget which was released in March, the North Carolina Senate this week released its proposed budget for 2021-2023. The Forum’s 2020 Education Primer outlines this multi-step process, and the associated flow chart is available in the appendix of this document. This brief outlines the extent to which the NC Senate’s Budget and the NC Governor’s Recommended Budget aligns with the Forum’s Top Education Issues 2021, which includes metrics for the next two years. 

See part 1 of a multi-part report below.

Public School Forum of North Carolina

Since 1986, the Public School Forum of North Carolina has been an indispensable and nonpartisan champion of better schools and the most trusted source in the state for research and analysis on vital education issues. We bring together leaders from business, education, and government to study education issues, develop ideas, seek consensus, and ultimately inform and shape education policy. We do that through research, policy work, innovative programs, advocacy, and continuing education for educators and policymakers.