What does it mean to be inclusive? For the past few weeks, guided by a program from The Aspen Institute, I have reflected on diversity and inclusion with a small group of strangers that quickly became friends. Our discussions inspired me to write the following poem, which stands as an artifact of our time together, during a pandemic and national unrest, and the things that we learned from each other.
I want to build a ladder
to a world without so much fear
I want to find a space
of belonging,
of care,
of love
where we can take each other as we are, as we’ve been, as we will be
And rejoice in the difference
And revel in the act of creation together
I want to build a bell stand
To understand what it means to become one with nature
With each other
With ourselves
I want to find my bell stand
In a time of unwellness
Of hunger
Of other worldliness and disconnection
And let it guide me to nourishment and love and formation
To form not only ourselves from the twisting wood of the tree but everyone we know
And love
And hate
And pity
To create beyond this world
What it means
To be free, together