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Perspective | Hunt Institute webinars explore student growth, equity in accountability, and more

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, The Hunt Institute is hosting numerous webinars each month to explore different topics across the birth through postsecondary continuum. Below, find full recordings of our webinars from June, along with links to learn more about each of them.

Homeroom with Education Leaders: Supporting Student Learning and Well-being in Times of Crisis

As the United States faces a moment of crisis, leaders work not only to understand and tend to the needs of those affected, but also to create plans for the country to emerge a more equitable and honest version of itself on the other side. A key aspect to accomplishing this goal is keeping school communities together and unified in this moment of crisis, as principals and teachers deal with the tremendous challenges of engaging students academically and meeting student needs during a pandemic, tragedy, and civil unrest. These topics were central in The Hunt Institute’s newest installment of Homeroom with Education Leaders, featuring Andy Cole of the Wallace Foundation, Commissioner Katy Anthes of Colorado, Secretary Ryan Stewart of New Mexico, and Chancellor Betty Rosa of New York.

Read more about this webinar here.

Homeroom with Education Leaders: Supporting Student Growth

Episode four of Homeroom with Education Leaders was titled Supporting Student Growth Amid School Closures, and featured Superintendent Clayton Burch of West Virginia, Superintendent Joy Hofmeister of Oklahoma, Secretary Pedro Rivera of Pennsylvania, and Commissioner Margie Vandeven of Missouri. Additionally, Dr. Javaid Siddiqi, President & CEO of The Hunt Institute provided his insight as a resource expert. Throughout the conversation, the four panelists often brought up the idea of “the whole child,” or the idea that in order for students to learn to the best of their ability, we must think about their needs holistically and not in an academic bubble. They agreed that acknowledging the whole child and meeting the social-emotional and physical needs of students in addition to their academics is essential in supporting student growth during remote learning.

Read more about this webinar here.

Homeroom with Education Leaders: Equity in Accountability & Learning

As stated by Former United States Secretary of Education, and current President & CEO of the Education Trust, John B. King Jr., assessments and accountability play a critical role in ensuring educational equity throughout the country. Assessments and accountability, specifically in the context of school closures, was the focus of the third episode of The Hunt Institute’s Homeroom with Education Leaders, a webinar series bringing policymakers, educators, and stakeholders together with state education agency (SEA) leaders to discuss the work being done at the state level to adjust to changes in the education landscape as a result of the current pandemic. In this episode, attendees heard from Secretary King, Commissioner Penny Schwinn of Tennessee, Commissioner Mike Morath of Texas, and Senior Chancellor Eric Hall of Florida about how to rethink accountability during the pandemic and how to ensure that all students are being measured equitably.

Read more about this webinar here.

Intersection Webinar Recap: Mitigating Disruptions to the Higher Education Student Pipeline

One of the most crucial points in a student’s higher education pathway is the transition into higher education – often described as an incoming “pipeline” of students seeking to complete degrees and certificates. There are a number of points during this transition when students are at risk of falling off track: maybe a student doesn’t know they are eligible for student aid because they didn’t know to apply, or maybe they commit to a school but don’t end up filling out the necessary paperwork over the summer. It has always been important for policymakers and practitioners to support students during these transition points, but the urgency of providing these supports has been magnified by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read more about this webinar here.

The Hunt Institute Staff

The Hunt Institute is a strategic catalyst for transforming public education and securing our country’s future. Using our depth and breadth of knowledge, we bring together the right people and resources to facilitate critical dialogue and mobilize action on the issues that matter in education.