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Perspective | Education Matters – State budget veto override

In a stunning move last week that sent shockwaves across the political landscape here in North Carolina and nationally, the Republican majority in the NC House overrode Gov. Cooper’s veto of the state budget with nearly half of the 120 House members absent, mostly Democrats. With a called vote early on the morning of September 11th, the House voted 55-9 to override the governor’s veto of the state budget. Democrats accused Republicans of holding a surprise veto override vote despite telling Democrats no votes would be held. Republicans say they never told Democrats there wouldn’t be votes. But after all the drama in the House, there is still no final state budget without Senate action now 2 ½ months into the fiscal year. This week on the show, we talk about last week’s override and what’s next with Democratic Rep. Deb Butler, who became the face of last week’s fireworks on the House floor, and Democratic Sen. Mike Woodard on prospects of a veto override in the Senate. We also talk with two leading political reporters about the fallout from last week.

• Rep. Deb Butler (D-Brunswick, New Hanover)
• Sen. Mike Woodard (D-Durham, Granville, Person)
• Colin Campbell, Editor, The NC Insider
• Dawn Baumgartner Vaughan, Reporter, News & Observer

Keith Poston

Keith Poston is the president and executive director of the Public School Forum of North Carolina.