4,000 Students Served in 8 Counties with Free Community Concerts
The North Carolina Symphony (NCS) proudly announces its 2023 North Carolina Western Residency, with performances and musical outreach in a variety of settings for preschoolers, students of all ages, and residents in eight North Carolina counties.

Students in Mitchell and Lincoln counties will attend the Symphony’s flagship music education program What Makes Music, Music, which uses a range of musical repertoire to teach core musical concepts in support of the Department of Public Instruction learning priorities. In a performance designed to engage elementary school students, the musical concepts include rhythm, melody, tempo, and dynamics.
In addition, NCS musicians will perform for younger students in Cleveland, Haywood and Buncombe counties. These interactive programs: Ensembles in the Schools and PNC Grow Up Great Music Discovery combine music and literacy for preschoolers and their families. Select students will attend master classes in Lincoln, Rutherford, and Cabarrus counties, during which NCS musicians will coach middle and high schoolers on technique and musicianship.
Free “Concerts in Your Community” featuring light classical favorites will bring the joy of live orchestral music to residents in Macon, Cleveland, and Cabarrus counties. The program includes popular classical music by Mozart, Copland, Richard Rodgers, and others.
Free tickets are available to the public for “Concerts in Your Community” taking place at the Smoky Mountain Center for the Performing Arts in Franklin on Wednesday, April 19 at 7:30pm, Malcolm Brown Auditorium at Shelby High School in Shelby on Thursday, April 20 at 7:30pm, and Jay M. Robinson High School in Concord on Friday, April 21 at 7:30pm. The PNC Grow Up Great Music Discovery program at Haywood County Library in Canton on Thursday, April 20 at 11am is also free for registered attendees (see below how to register.)
The North Carolina Symphony’s 2023 Western Residency is presented in partnership with the State of North Carolina and the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. NCS’s statewide music education programs are sponsored by the State of North Carolina, Lead Education Sustainers Truist and the John William Pope Foundation, with generous support from many companies, foundations, and individual donors across the state.
The Symphony’s 2022/23 Music Education Concerts are supported in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. The Music Discovery programs in Canton and Asheville are part of PNC Grow Up Great. The Symphony’s programs in Cleveland County on April 20th are supported by the Dover Foundation, with the Bailey Endowment providing additional support for the “Ensembles in the Schools” program and the Albemarle Foundation also supporting the “Concert in Your Community.”
Registration information for these events are found below.
For free tickets to “Concerts in Your Community”
Smoky Mountain Center for the Performing Arts
Wednesday, April 19, 7:30pm in Franklin, NC
Tickets and Information
Phone: 866.273.4615
Malcolm Brown Auditorium, Shelby High School
Thursday, April 20, 7:30pm in Shelby
Tickets and Information
Phone: 919.733.2750 or 877.627.6724
Jay M. Robinson High School Friday, April 21, 7:30PM Concord
Tickets and Information
Phone: 919.733.2750 or 877.627.6724
Register for “PNC Grow up Great Music Discovery”
Canton Public Library, April 19, 7:30PM
Email: ashlyn.godleski@haywoodcountync.gov
Phone: 828.356.2567
For information on NCS music education: