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NC education attainment goal gains critical endorsements

The following is a press release from myFutureNC

Support of the myFutureNC Commission’s bold statewide education attainment goal — two million by 2030 — grows as the North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities (NCICU), the State Board of Education and Governor Cooper’s Education Cabinet pass resolutions of support for the attainment goal.

 “This broad, critical support across statewide education groups illustrates a true commitment to one of the highest targets for education attainment in the South,” said Peter Hans, president of the North Carolina Community College System and myFutureNC co-chair. “We look forward to continuing this important work with these influential leaders as we strive to raise awareness about the life-changing impact of a high-quality postsecondary degree or credential.”

 On March 26, NCICU unanimously passed a resolution to support the myFutureNC attainment goal — 2 million 25- to 44-year-olds with a high-quality postsecondary degree or credential by 2030 — committing to “continue to foster partnerships across the state’s education continuum and with state leaders in business, philanthropy and government to achieve the goal.”

 Led by North Carolina State Board of Education Chair Eric Davis and North Carolina Superintendent Mark Johnson, the NC State Board of Education unanimously passed a resolution establishing a partnership with myFutureNC on April 4. The board “admires and supports the work of the myFutureNC Commission whose efforts make use of educational and financial resources to fully benefit North Carolina’s public school students, educators and administrators.”

 On April 17, the North Carolina Education Cabinet signed a statement of support for myFutureNC, stating “members of the North Carolina Education Cabinet do hereby endorse the myFutureNC Commission’s goal to increase the number of North Carolina residents ages twenty-five through forty-four who hold postsecondary credentials or degrees to at least two million, or sixty-six percent, by 2030…” Members of the North Carolina Education Cabinet include North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper, DHHS Secretary Mandy Cohen, State Board of Education Chairman Eric Davis, Superintendent Mark Johnson, NCICU President Hope Williams, Department of Commerce Secretary Tony Copeland, NC Community College System President Peter Hans and UNC System President William Roper.

 “There is a mismatch of talent supply and demand in North Carolina, and having the support of organizations like NCICU, the State Board of Education and the Governor’s Education Cabinet is critical to addressing this issue,” Andrea Smith, chief administrative officer of Bank of America and myFutureNC co-chair stated.

To learn more about myFutureNC, visit


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