Legislation Tracker
Search education bills
2019 Long Session: Met crossover deadline
- House Bill 8: Tri-County CC/Neighbor State In-State Tuition
- House Bill 21: Revise McDowell County Bd of Educ. Districts
- House Bill 31: Allow Durham Pub. Schools to Provide Housing.
- House Bill 56: Arts Education Requirement
- House Bill 57: Create Term for Public Schs. & Codify NCVPS
- House Bill 62: In-State Tuition/Members Served on USS NC
- House Bill 72: Support Multiple Recesses For Lincoln Co Schl
- House Bill 73: Civic Responsibility Education
- House Bill 74: 2019 School Safety Grants Program
- House Bill 75: School Mental Health Screening Study
- House Bill 76: School Safety Omnibus
- House Bill 90 (SB 64): DPI/EC Div. Feedback/DIT Study/PED report
- House Bill 107 (SB 101): PED Oversight/EPP Changes
- House Bill 125: GSC Revised Uniform Athlete Agents Act
- House Bill 151: Katelyn's Law
- House Bill 200: Education Report Changes.-AB
- House Bill 241: Education Bond Act of 2019
- House Bill 266: School Annual Report Card
- House Bill 276: Modify Low-Performing School Definition
- House Bill 295: Prohibit Corporal Punishment in Public Schs
- House Bill 299: Henderson Cty/Build Community College Bldgs
- House Bill 315: Instructional Material Selection
- House Bill 354 (HB 313): Modify Weighting/School Performance Grades
- House Bill 362 (HB 145): 15-Point Scale For School Performance Grades
- House Bill 375 (SB 8): Authorize Teacher-Gov't Emp'ee Housing/Bertie
- House Bill 377: Reduce Testing
- House Bill 411: Modify School Qual./Student Success Indicator
- House Bill 434: Suicide Risk Ref./Mental Health/Teen Violence
- House Bill 437: Education on the Holocaust and Genocide
- House Bill 493: Abuse & Neglect Resources
- House Bill 517: Stokes Co. Bd. Ed./Requested Election Changes
- House Bill 521 (SB 393): Provisional License/Teacher from Other State
- House Bill 563: 30 Min. Duty-Free Lunch for Teachers
- House Bill 653: School Transp. Personnel Salary Changes
- House Bill 664: myFutureNC/Postsecondary Attainment Goal
- House Bill 668: Various Higher Education Changes
- House Bill 714: Competency-Based Assessments
- House Bill 798: Low-Performing Schools
- House Bill 882: Early Childhood Recommendations/DHHS
- House Bill 886: Study Participation of Operators in NC Pre-K
- House Bill 895: Opportunity Gap Task Force
- House Bill 924: Teacher Contract Changes
- House Bill 933: Study Career/College Readiness
- Senate Bill 5: Building North Carolina's Future
- Senate Bill 88: Electrician Requirements for Certain Orgs
- Senate Bill 123: Portability of Leave/Charter Schools
- Senate Bill 219: Modify Teacher Licensing Requirements
- Senate Bill 227: Broaden Charter School Sibling Priority
- Senate Bill 230: Excused Absences for Military Children
- Senate Bill 295: NC HS Graduation as Evidence of Residency
- Senate Bill 301: Regional School Transportation
- Senate Bill 343: Changes to Education Reports
- Senate Bill 354: Student Notice/Charter School Closure/Restr
- Senate Bill 366: 9th/10th Grade/College Transfer Pathways
- Senate Bill 392: Superint. May Approve Charter Facility Bonds
- Senate Bill 399: Rehire High-Need Teachers
- Senate Bill 438: Excellent Public Schools Act of 2019
- Senate Bill 476: Reaffirm Local Control of Discipline Policies
- Senate Bill 500 (HB 591): Modify Advanced Math Course Enrollment
- Senate Bill 522: Various Changes to Charter School Laws
- Senate Bill 609: K-12 Scholarship Changes
- Senate Bill 621: Testing Reduction Act of 2019
2019 Long Session: Introduced
- House Bill 8: Tri-County CC/Neighbor State In-State Tuition
- House Bill 12: School Calendar Flexibility/Alamance County
- House Bill 13: School Calendar Flexibility/Certain Systems
- House Bill 19 (SB 6): Dare County/CC Construction Funds
- House Bill 21: Revise McDowell County Bd of Educ. Districts
- House Bill 23: School Calendar Flexibility/Certain Systems
- House Bill 24: Ensure Student Safety at School Voting Sites
- House Bill 25: School Calendar Flexibility/Moore County
- House Bill 26: School Calendar Flexibility/Johnston County
- House Bill 27: School Calendar Flexibility/Certain Systems
- House Bill 31: Allow Durham Pub. Schools to Provide Housing.
- House Bill 34: School Calendar Flex./Certain School Systems
- House Bill 38: School Calendar Flex/Certain School Systems
- House Bill 42: School Calendar Flex/Caldwell County
- House Bill 45: School Calendar Flex./Forsyth County
- House Bill 47: School Calendar Flex/Charlotte-Mecklenburg
- House Bill 48 (SB 37): School Calendar Flex/Certain School Systems
- House Bill 56: Arts Education Requirement
- House Bill 57: Create Term for Public Schs. & Codify NCVPS
- House Bill 58: School Calendar Flex/Granville & Person
- House Bill 62: In-State Tuition/Members Served on USS NC
- House Bill 71: School Calendar Flex/Charlotte-Mecklenburg
- House Bill 72: Support Multiple Recesses For Lincoln Co Schl
- House Bill 73: Civic Responsibility Education
- House Bill 74: 2019 School Safety Grants Program
- House Bill 75: School Mental Health Screening Study
- House Bill 76: School Safety Omnibus
- House Bill 78: Academic Alignment/Certain School Systems
- House Bill 79: Academic Alignment/Boards of Education & CC
- House Bill 83: School Calendar Flex/Certain School Systems
- House Bill 88: School Calendar Flex/Certain School Systems
- House Bill 89: SEA-Tech CIHS/Funds
- House Bill 90 (SB 64): DPI/EC Div. Feedback/DIT Study/PED report
- House Bill 93: School Calendar Flex/Martin County
- House Bill 94: School Calendar Flexibility/Lenoir County
- House Bill 95: School Calendar Flex/Certain School Systems
- House Bill 96: Revise Geo. Isolated Schs. Formula/Currituck
- House Bill 97: Increase Transp. Efficiency Buffer/Currituck
- House Bill 101: School Calendar Flex/Certain School Systems
- House Bill 107 (SB 101): PED Oversight/EPP Changes
- House Bill 109: School Calendar Flexibility/Iredell County
- House Bill 110 (SB 90): Protect Religious Meeting Places
- House Bill 116: School Calendar Flex/Certain School Systems
- House Bill 117: School Calendar Flexibility Pilot Program
- House Bill 124: Smart Start Funds
- House Bill 125: GSC Revised Uniform Athlete Agents Act
- House Bill 128: High Achieving Tuition Scholarships
- House Bill 135: Government Immigration Compliance
- House Bill 137: School Calendar Flexibility/Cumberland County
- House Bill 142: School Calendar Flexibility/Pitt County
- House Bill 145: 15-Point Scale For School Performance Grades
- House Bill 148: School Calendar Flexibility/Hoke County
- House Bill 149: School Calendar Flexibility/Scotland County
- House Bill 151: Katelyn's Law
- House Bill 163: School Calendar Flex/Certain School Systems
- House Bill 168: College Advising Corps Expansion/Funds
- House Bill 172: K-12 Academic Freedom
- House Bill 174: Home School Tax Credit
- House Bill 175: School Calendar Flexibility/Certain Systems
- House Bill 177: Funds School of Ed. Bldg./Fayetteville State
- House Bill 182 (SB 132): Guilford Co. Bd. of Ed/Nonpartisan Election
- House Bill 183: School Calendar Flexibility/Wake County
- House Bill 192: School Calendar Flexibility/Guilford County
- House Bill 194: Allow Coordination of School & CC Calendars
- House Bill 196: Parental Consent For Sex Education
- House Bill 197 (SB 159): Richmond CC/Multicampus Funds
- House Bill 199: Permanent Charter School Transportation Grant
- House Bill 200: Education Report Changes.-AB
- House Bill 207: School Calendar Flex/Weather/Certain Counties
- House Bill 209: Prohibit Ed. Funds Allocated by Tier
- House Bill 210: School Calendar Flex/Orange Co. Boards of Ed
- House Bill 216: School Self-Defense Act
- House Bill 229: Repeal Municipal Charter Schools
- House Bill 230 (SB 160): Life Changing Experiences Sch. Pilot Program
- House Bill 232: Increase School Calendar Flexibility
- House Bill 241: Education Bond Act of 2019
- House Bill 248: Restore Longevity for Teachers
- House Bill 249: School Annual Report Card
- House Bill 251: State Bd. of Ed./Education Changes.-AB
- House Bill 261: School Calendar Flex/Roanoke Rapids/Halifax
- House Bill 266: School Annual Report Card
- House Bill 270: Edgecombe CC/Funds for Training Center
- House Bill 275 (SB 189): CTE Pilot for Guilford Co. Schools
- House Bill 276: Modify Low-Performing School Definition
- House Bill 288: First Aid and Safety Training in Schools
- House Bill 295: Prohibit Corporal Punishment in Public Schs
- House Bill 298: Restore Lottery Revenue Distrib. Structure
- House Bill 299: Henderson Cty/Build Community College Bldgs
- House Bill 304: School Calendar Flex/Certain School Systems
- House Bill 313: Modify Weighting/School Performance Grades
- House Bill 315: Instructional Material Selection
- House Bill 319: In-State Tuition Equity
- House Bill 354 (HB 313): Modify Weighting/School Performance Grades
- House Bill 361: School Calendar Flexibility/Halifax
- House Bill 362 (HB 145): 15-Point Scale For School Performance Grades
- House Bill 367: ApSeed Pilot Project/Funds
- House Bill 375 (SB 8): Authorize Teacher-Gov't Emp'ee Housing/Bertie
- House Bill 377: Reduce Testing
- House Bill 381: School Construction & Broadband Investm't Act
- House Bill 386: Ensure Safety of School Drinking Water
- House Bill 405: School Calendar Flexibility/Robeson County
- House Bill 408: Expand Teaching Fellows Program
- House Bill 411: Modify School Qual./Student Success Indicator
- House Bill 428 (SB 329): K-3 Reading and Literacy Improvement Act
- House Bill 430: School Ethics Training & Finance Officers
- House Bill 434: Suicide Risk Ref./Mental Health/Teen Violence
- House Bill 436: Expand Local Option Sales Tax for Education
- House Bill 437: Education on the Holocaust and Genocide
- House Bill 443: Need-Based Scholar. Funds/Military Dependents
- House Bill 457: Restore Master's Pay for Certain Teachers
- House Bill 463: Education/Job Readiness in Prisons & Jails
- House Bill 467: Establish State Board of Prop
- House Bill 482 (SB 382): Sch. Psychologist Compensation & Recruitment
- House Bill 485: Virtual Early Learning Pilot Program
- House Bill 487: CC Short-Term Workforce Training Funds
- House Bill 490: Winston-Salem/Forsyth Bd. of Ed/Stagger Terms
- House Bill 493: Abuse & Neglect Resources
- House Bill 504: Wake Co. Bd. of Ed./Stagger Terms/Districts
- House Bill 517: Stokes Co. Bd. Ed./Requested Election Changes
- House Bill 521 (SB 393): Provisional License/Teacher from Other State
- House Bill 524: Additional Funds for School Nurses
- House Bill 525: School Assignment within Surry County
- House Bill 535 (SB 543): Funds/Reach Out and Read Carolinas
- House Bill 552: After-School Robotics Grants/Athletics
- House Bill 563: 30 Min. Duty-Free Lunch for Teachers
- House Bill 571 (SB 670): Changes to Advanced Teaching Roles Program
- House Bill 588 (SB 462): 2019 Governor's Budget
- House Bill 591 (SB 500): Modify Advanced Math Course Enrollment
- House Bill 599: Home School Education Tax Credit
- House Bill 639: Clarify Roles DPI/SBE Staff
- House Bill 642: Additional Funds/UNC Lab Schools
- House Bill 653: School Transp. Personnel Salary Changes
- House Bill 660: Funds for UNC Education Programs
- House Bill 664: myFutureNC/Postsecondary Attainment Goal
- House Bill 665: NC Completes College/Competitive Workforce
- House Bill 668: Various Higher Education Changes
- House Bill 674: Need-Based Scholar. Funds/Private Colleges
- House Bill 677: Study School Bus Driver Training Needs
- House Bill 711: Excellent Educational Standards
- House Bill 714: Competency-Based Assessments
- House Bill 734: NC Collaborative School Improvement Pilot
- House Bill 746: Revise Students in Crisis Grants
- House Bill 769 (SB 583): Reduce Opp. Schol. Funds/Public Schools Funds
- House Bill 785: Study Student Loan Alternatives
- House Bill 790: Restore State Emp/Teacher Retiree Med Benefit
- House Bill 798: Low-Performing Schools
- House Bill 882: Early Childhood Recommendations/DHHS
- House Bill 886: Study Participation of Operators in NC Pre-K
- House Bill 895: Opportunity Gap Task Force
- House Bill 924: Teacher Contract Changes
- House Bill 933: Study Career/College Readiness
- House Bill 941: Pilot Program/Professional Teachers & Admins
- Senate Bill 5: Building North Carolina's Future
- Senate Bill 6 (HB 19): Dare County/CC Construction Funds
- Senate Bill 8: Authorize Teacher-Gov't Emp'ee Housing/Bertie
- Senate Bill 17: School Calendar Flexibility/Certain Systems
- Senate Bill 28: Restore Master's Pay for Certain Teachers
- Senate Bill 37 (HB 48): School Calendar Flex/Certain School Systems
- Senate Bill 38: Class Size Reporting/Principal
- Senate Bill 48: Permit Align School/Comm. College Calendar
- Senate Bill 60: Restore Educational Sales Tax Holiday
- Senate Bill 64 (HB 90): DPI/EC Div. Feedback/DIT Study/PED report.
- Senate Bill 72: School Calendar Flex/Charlotte-Mecklenburg
- Senate Bill 85: LEO Retirement & Higher Ed Enhancement Act
- Senate Bill 88: Electrician Requirements for Certain Orgs
- Senate Bill 90 (HB 110): Protect Religious Meeting Places
- Senate Bill 91: Permit Lincoln Co Schools & Com College Align
- Senate Bill 93: School Calendar Flexibility/Wake County
- Senate Bill 96: School Calendar Flexibility/Cleveland County
- Senate Bill 97: School Calendar Flexibility/Chatham County
- Senate Bill 98: School Calendar Flex/Certain School Systems
- Senate Bill 99 (HB 31): Allow Durham Public Schls to Provide Housing
- Senate Bill 101 (HB 107): PED Oversight/EPP Changes
- Senate Bill 117: Modify School Performance Scores & Grades
- Senate Bill 121: School Calendar Flexibility/Person County
- Senate Bill 122: School Calendar Flexibility/Granville County
- Senate Bill 123: Portability of Leave/Charter Schools
- Senate Bill 132 (HB 182): Guilford Co. Bd. of Ed/Nonpartisan election
- Senate Bill 152: Restore LEA Sales Tax Refund
- Senate Bill 159 (HB 197): Richmond CC/Multicampus Funds
- Senate Bill 160 (HB 230): Life Changing Experiences Sch. Pilot Program
- Senate Bill 170: Expand Principal Bonus Multiplier Eligibility.-AB
- Senate Bill 171: School Calendar Flexibility/Cumberland County
- Senate Bill 175: Funds/Eliminate NC Pre-K Waitlist Statewide
- Senate Bill 176: School Annual Report Card
- Senate Bill 182: Innovation Early College HS/Funds
- Senate Bill 189 (HB 275): CTE Pilot for Guilford Co. Schools
- Senate Bill 192: School Security Act of 2019
- Senate Bill 203: Ethics Training for School Employees
- Senate Bill 219: Modify Teacher Licensing Requirements
- Senate Bill 227: Broaden Charter School Sibling Priority
- Senate Bill 230: Excused Absences for Military Children
- Senate Bill 233: School Calendar Two-Year Flex/Certain Systems
- Senate Bill 238 (HB 56): Arts Education Requirement
- Senate Bill 244: Restore Master's Pay for Teachers
- Senate Bill 247: Charter School Study/Moratorium on Growth
- Senate Bill 271: Durham Speed Device Pilot/School Zones
- Senate Bill 279: School Calendar 3-Year Flex/Certain Systems
- Senate Bill 281: School Calendar Flex/Certain School Systems
- Senate Bill 293: Military Dependents/Need-Based Private School
- Senate Bill 295: NC HS Graduation as Evidence of Residency
- Senate Bill 298: Private IHE/Campus Police/Need-Based Schol
- Senate Bill 301: Regional School Transportation
- Senate Bill 318: Parents' Right to Know
- Senate Bill 319 (HB 313): Modify Weighting/School Performance Grades
- Senate Bill 329 (HB 428): K-3 Reading and Literacy Improvement Act
- Senate Bill 336: Smart Start Funds
- Senate Bill 340: NC Skills-Gap Study
- Senate Bill 343: Changes to Education Reports
- Senate Bill 350: Equal Funding for All Students/Hackney
- Senate Bill 354: Student Notice/Charter School Closure/Restr
- Senate Bill 366: 9th/10th Grade/College Transfer Pathways
- Senate Bill 372 (HB 177): Funds School of Ed. Bldg./Fayetteville State
- Senate Bill 382 (HB 482): Sch. Psychologist Compensation & Recruitment
- Senate Bill 383: NC Teaching Fellows Changes
- Senate Bill 389: Surplus Computers for Public Schools
- Senate Bill 392: Superint. May Approve Charter Facility Bonds
- Senate Bill 393: Provisional License/Teacher from Other State
- Senate Bill 397: Class Size Waivers/PE K-5 Teacher Funds
- Senate Bill 399: Rehire High-Need Teachers
- Senate Bill 400: Modify Teaching Fellows/CC Requirement
- Senate Bill 412 (HB 411): Modify School Qual./Student Success Indicator
- Senate Bill 424: Fully Fund School Counselors & Psychologists
- Senate Bill 427 (HB 124): Smart Start Funds
- Senate Bill 435: Need-Based Scholarships/Virtual Institution
- Senate Bill 437: NC Completes College/Competitive Workforce
- Senate Bill 438: Excellent Public Schools Act of 2019
- Senate Bill 450: Study Statewide Year-Round School Calendar
- Senate Bill 452 (HB 588): 2019 Governor's Budget
- Senate Bill 460: Performance/Professors as K-12 Teachers
- Senate Bill 475: Study School Accountability Measures
- Senate Bill 476: Reaffirm Local Control of Discipline Policies
- Senate Bill 477: School Lease Payments-Use of Lottery Funds
- Senate Bill 500 (HB 591): Modify Advanced Math Course Enrollment
- Senate Bill 522: Various Changes to Charter School Laws
- Senate Bill 580: Classroom Supplies to Teachers
- Senate Bill 582: NC Comprehensive School Accountability
- Senate Bill 583: Reduce Opp. Schol. Funds/Public Schools Funds
- Senate Bill 601: School-Based Mental Health
- Senate Bill 602: NC Hope Tuition Program
- Senate Bill 609: K-12 Scholarship Changes
- Senate Bill 611: CTP Programs/Scholarship Eligibility
- Senate Bill 612: HS Credit/Dual Enrollment Workforce Training
- Senate Bill 613: School Calendar Accommodation/Statewide
- Senate Bill 621: Testing Reduction Act of 2019
2019 Long Session: Enacted
- House Bill 57: Create Term for Public Schs. & Codify NCVPS
- House Bill 664: myFutureNC/Postsecondary Attainment Goal
- House Bill 882: Early Childhood Recommendations/DHHS
- House Bill 886: Study Participation of Operators in NC Pre-K
- House Bill 924: Teacher Contract Changes
- Senate Bill 6 (HB 19): Dare County/CC Construction Funds
- Senate Bill 88: Electrician Requirements for Certain Orgs
- Senate Bill 219: Modify Teacher Licensing Requirements
- Senate Bill 227: Broaden Charter School Sibling Priority
- Senate Bill 399: Rehire High-Need Teachers
- Senate Bill 500 (HB 591): Modify Advanced Math Course Enrollment