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Leesville Road High School student council to host 91st Annual State Convention

The following is a press release from the N.C. Association of Student Councils

Raleigh:  500 middle and high school students will travel to Raleigh for a weekend focused on student leadership at the N.C. Association of Student Councils’ 91st Annual State Convention hosted by Leesville Road High School on March 17-19.  

On Friday evening, student leaders from across the state will gather for an evening of networking, inspirational speakers, and association business meetings at the school. Wake County Superintendent, Dr. Jim Merrill, along with LRHS Principal, Dr. Anthony J. Muttillo, will offer a district and school welcome. Mr. Phil Echols, a Professional Learning Specialist for Wake County Public Schools and founder of, will speak to students on spreading positivity as a student leader. 

On Saturday, students will explore the state museums, general assembly building, and Capitol Park in an interactive tour guided by Leesville students and parents. NC Representative Grier Martin, NC Representative Graig Meyer, NC Senator Jay Chaudhuri, and NC Senator Mike Woodard will meet with students throughout the day to talk on leadership lessons from a state government perspective. The time downtown will end with students caucusing in the General Assembly committee rooms. The day will culminate in an awards banquet at N.C. State’s McKimmon Center followed by a dance in the new Talley State Ballroom. 

On Sunday, the event will conclude with association elections and John Donofrio, CFO, Merz Pharmaceuticals speaking about leadership lessons through the lens of N.C. business. 

The goal of this event to inspire, support, and inform our state’s youth leaders in moving their schools forward through student council activities and events while fostering a strong sense of student leadership.


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