The following is a press release from Rep. Graig Meyer, D-Orange.
Governor Cooper announced his nominations and appointments to 17 boards, commissions, and councils last week, naming Rep. Graig Meyer (D-Orange) to a seat on the Southern Regional Education Board.
In addition to his appointment as a board member of the SREB, Meyer will also serve on the Legislative Advisory Council of the organization. The Southern Regional Education Board is the nation’s first regional interstate compact for education, created in 1948 by Southern governors and legislators who recognized the link between education and economic vitality. The SREB is made up of 16 member states, including Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and West Virginia, and continues its focus on critical issues that can help to improve the quality of life by advancing public education. The Southern Regional Education Board focuses on what works in both policy and practice. SREB brings together member states to forge consensus and work together on initiatives that would not be possible alone.
“I am pleased and honored by the Governor’s appointment to the SREB,” said Rep. Meyer. “I look forward to working with fellow board members to collaborate on developing policy and strategies that will help improve education at every level in this region as a whole, and in North Carolina specifically.”