Featured Read
SAS CEO Jim Goodnight: Change NC’s pre-K funding to reach more children
Almost 33,000 North Carolina four-year-olds could not go to preschool today – even though they are eligible for one of the highest quality programs in the country.... Read the rest
2018 NC Teacher of the Year Freebird McKinney shares back-to-school advice for students
As School Year Begins, Time for States to Invest in Schools
Results From the 2017–18 National Teacher and Principal Survey
Which NC community college degree program graduates have the highest average wages after five years? A look at the data.
K-12 Education Legislative Update
Mark Jewell | Pass a state budget that serves NC schools
Connecting the Dots: Aligning Attainment Goals to the Workforce
CMS goes back to school this Monday. Here’s what you need to know.
NC Teachers Haven't Seen 2019 Raises As School Begins
As NC children head back to schools, parents hope for a year without hurricanes
NC Gov. Cooper vetoes Read To Achieve bill, calling the program an expensive failure
11 Back-to-School Tips to Help Parents Give Their Kids the Social-Emotional Skills They Need