A study by professors at Duke, MIT, and Berkeley released by the National Bureau of Economic Research and entitled, “School Vouchers and Student Achievement: First-Year Evidence from the Louisiana Scholarship Program,” found that student participation in LSP “substantially reduces academic achievement.”
Here is an article in EducationNext, “The Folly of Overregulating School Choice,” about the voucher study.
The Fayetteville Observer is running a special report, “Poverty’s Price.” Here are links to articles on schools:
The neighborhood that puts its kids on a path to prison
A school that fought failure and won, if only briefly
Our schools suspend black students 4 times more than whites. Why?
Child exposure to ‘toxic stress’ a key link to behavior, learning problems
A Special Report - Inside ESSA: The New Federal K-12 Law
Federal flexibility will bring changes to NC public education
With ESSA Passage, Delaware Offers 5 Lessons for Other States
Standards for Principal Supervisors Bring Sharper Focus to Role
He’s acting, but the nation’s new education secretary is for real
Back off parents: It’s not your job to teach Common Core math when helping with homework
Khan Academy Opens A Lab School
Kids And Screen Time: A Peek At Upcoming Guidance from the American Academy of Pediatrics
Wake County hopes fining students will deter school threats
Charter Schools On The Agenda For The State Board Of Education
Officials say they have video of student abuse at Cumberland middle school
Audit: Former NC superintendent spent thousands on bounce houses, food, travel
Salvaging Education in Rural America