The Education/Higher Education Committee in the Senate meets on Wednesday at 11am in 544 LOB.
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A blueprint for breakthroughs in personalized learning
What works stops short of the real question at the heart of a truly personalized system: what works, for which students, in what circumstances?... Read the rest
NC education leaders: Transgender students' bathroom usage up to local school boards
McCrory, NC lawmakers sue Justice Department over HB2; feds counter with lawsuit
UNC President Spellings: UNC system caught in middle of state, federal fight on HB2
Yes, the feds could pull North Carolina’s education funding for violating transgender civil rights
Where Is the Public on the Transgender Bathroom Controversy? Depends How You Ask!
When All Kids Eat for Free: Congress is considering a rule change to the school-nutrition law that would bar thousands of schools from offering complimentary lunch to all students.
Secretary John King on raising education standards and changing the college admissions caste system
Many GOP K-12 Policy Vets Cool to Idea of Working for Donald Trump