Click here for a study by Helen Ladd and others at Duke University on the Impact of North Carolina’s Early Childhood Initiatives on Special Education Placements in Third Grade.
Duke Study: High-quality early education could reduce costs
Guilford County: After Ed-Tech Meltdown, a District Rebounds
Obama Budget Seeks Boosts for Early Ed., High Schools, Technology
School spending per student drops for the second year in a row
New oversight weighed after tax-funded charter schools fail
KIPP Durham receives harsh reception
The Shrinking American Middle Class
Closing Education Gap Will Lift Economy, a Study Finds
U.S. Teacher-Prep Rules Face Heavy Criticism in Public Comments
Do U.S. Teachers Really Teach More Hours?
True Or False? Free And Reduced-Price Lunch = Poor
‘Read Charlotte’ wants to double the percentage of children reading proficiently
Wake County school board looking to restore tenure rights for teachers
Pender County school board approves laptops purchase
Pender school officials rebuffed by commissioners