The House and Senate have agreed on a continuing resolution that gives them until August 31, 2015 to pass the budget bill. Here is an article about the impact on schools and teacher assistants.
Why the New ESEA Won’t Embrace “Tight As To Results, Loose On How To Achieve Them”
John Locke: An Education Progressive Ahead of His Time?
What’s behind the Deep South’s low high school graduation rates?
20% of New York State Students Opted Out of Standardized Tests This Year
Report recommends rating system to measure charter schools’ financial health
Why financial aid might make college more expensive
5 Big Ideas That Don't Work In Education
When Knowledge Is Unforgettable
Three Things to Know about Bobby Jindal’s Platform
Teach For America Sees Another Big Drop In Accepted Corps Members
State bonds for local schools wouldn’t dent CMS needs
NO CHOICE: Board cuts 16 teaching assistant positions amid funding mess