The Editor’s Notes
Our work at EducationNC includes looking at the adolescent experience of faith. Today I’ll be meeting with rural faith leaders in Asheboro. Our thoughts and prayers will be with the families of those who died, for the members of the Tree of Life Synagogue, and for the whole Pittsburgh community.
The Institute for Emerging Issues (IEI) “ReCONNECT to Community” Forum has been rescheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2018 at the Renaissance Asheville Hotel after Hurricane Florence forced a postponement and subsequent venue change. The Forum centers around the importance of civic engagement in North Carolina and provides a platform for community leaders across the state to explore the impact of disengagement on local economies and community life. Five community strategies from across the state will be spotlighted including initiatives in Asheville, Edgecombe County, Elizabeth City, Elkin, and Winston-Salem. EdNC will be there! Register for IEI’s Nov. 27 “ReCONNECT to Community” Forum at
The Biogen Foundation is inviting middle and high school students in North Carolina to create videos about biotechnology in their lives. These videos must be between thirty seconds and three minutes, accurate, and creative. They are accepting videos from September 14 through December 17. Students need to work with a teacher at their school to submit a video (up to two submissions per school). Here is more information.
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