The PRISM AWARD supports teaching professionals in their efforts to provide quality hands-on, inquiry-based activities for their students. PRISM promotes excitement for science and mathematics in the classroom by providing funds for materials, equipment, and supplies related to the implementation of high quality curriculum and activities in the classroom. This award provides up to $3,000 for one year to cover the cost of equipment, materials, and supplies. An additional $1,500 may be requested for professional development related to the implementation of new equipment or use of materials in the classroom. Awards are made to teaching professionals that hold a professional educator’s license to teach in a North Carolina K-12 public school. Apply here by 12/5/2017 at 4pm.
SMT CENTER AWARDS: Each year, the SMT Center offers awards that recognize individuals and organizations whose extraordinary contributions to science, mathematics, and technology (SMT) education in North Carolina are helping to advance the mission of the SMT Center. Nominations are accepted each fall. Recipients of the awards are honored in the spring at the Celebration of Science, Mathematics, and Technology. Here is more information. The deadline is 12/1/2017.
Our colleagues at IEI are gearing up for the 2018 Emerging Issues Forum on kidonomics on February 5-6. Registration is open!
The Biogen Foundation is inviting middle and high school students in North Carolina to create 30-second to 3-minute videos on the topic of genetic mutations. Please make sure the video is accurate and creative. Work with a teacher at your school to submit your video soon, because the first 200 eligible videos submitted will win $500 for your school (up to two submissions per school)! Grand Prize winners will receive $10,000 for their schools and three GoPro video cameras for the students who created and starred in the winning videos! Submissions are open until December 8th. All NC schools are eligible to enter. Teachers must submit the videos; students and parents are not allowed to submit videos. See for more information about the contest and to submit your video today!
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NC in Focus: Sweet Potatoes, 2017
Two of the state’s lead agricultural products—sweet potatoes and turkeys—will grace many Thanksgiving tables on Thursday.... Read the rest
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