On Wednesday, the House Select Committee on School Safety is meeting at 9am in 643 LOB.
Featured Read
Pediatric Obesity Rates Continue to Increase
One in six children in the U.S. is considered obese. And in North Carolina, the rates are on the higher end. Newer research shows excess weight on their growing frames is causing musculoskeletal problems.... Read the rest
The Week Ahead in Education Politics: DeVos Testified on Ed Funding, the House Talks Apprenticeships, Dems Eye School Safety & More
This Map Shows How Much Is Stacked Against Students in Your State
Stymied by Segregation
The Fight Over Teacher Salaries: A Look At The Numbers
The barriers that make charter schools inaccessible to disadvantaged families
Thousands more students may be eligible for Special Needs Education Savings Account
What educators need to know about literacy